Try our first game: Red Falcon Run
About Us
Mabus Games, LLC. is an Independent Game Development company. Founded in October 2014, our first product on the market is a tournament game called Red Falcon Run, which features a Bi-Weekly Tournament featuring a minimum $50 cash prize paid out to the top three players for the tournament cycle. We are a small team of developers who build games and game assets every chance we get. Our small team can produce 2D and 3D art, Sound Design and Music, Web Design, and programming for game engines. Currently, we work on in house projects. Our next project called Kael-Bell: Well of Dreams is in the beginning stages of development.

When I Was a Kid. From Gamer to Developer, The Story of Red Falcon Run
When I Was a Kid From Gamer to Developer, The Story of Red Falcon Run By Tim Murosky 9-18-2017 When I was a kid, which by the way was quite some time ago, an Arcade was in every mall, strip mall, and probably a small gaming section […]

YouTube Monetization Changes… You Mad? An Opinion Piece By: Tim Murosky
YouTube Monetization Changes… You Mad? An Opinion Piece By: Tim Murosky So you have a bunch of videos on YouTube, and your stuff has gotten really popular. Since you were doing so well, why not monetize your channel and make a little extra cash? You may drop some F-Bombs, here […]

AFK DISCUSSIONS: CREATING A VIDEO GAME September 21, 2016 · by CodyJDul · in AFK Disccussions.
AFK DISCUSSIONS: CREATING A VIDEO GAME September 21, 2016 · by CodyJDull · in AFK Disccussions. · For today’s Away From the Keyboard segment, we sit down with Indie Developer Tim Murosky while he offers us a deeper insight on the ins and outs of creating a video […]

SoGood Review | Red Falcon Run – Indie Online Game September 23, 2016 | Dean Clark
SoGood Review | Red Falcon Run – Indie Online Game September 23, 2016 | Dean Clark—Indie-Online-Game Game developer Tim Murosky has created his first game with his company team called Mabus Games, LLC. The game is called Red Falcon Run. With both a free practice mode and a prize-based Tournament mode, […]

Subscription Based Software… Yuck.
Subscription Based Software… Yuck. An Opinion Piece By Tim Murosky Ok, let me start by saying how much of a fan I am of 3Ds Max. I have done nearly all of my 3D modeling in that program. I find it easy to use, but I also find new ways […]

Our Interview With Gamers Pantheon
Mabus Games and their over the top blast with Red Falcon Run Posted on August 26, 2016 by CodyJDull The Mabus Games, LLC. development team consists of several independent game developers who together presents Red Falcon Run, a free to play cash prize game tournament that pushes your skills at rail shooters to […]